Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Waves of Change

I think one of the things adults have to contend with is finding a balance between planning and going with the flow.  The older I've gotten, the more I've realized that different adults maintain different balances between these two opposites.  I am certainly more spontaneous than I used to be, but I still find that I personally function best with a bit more of a structured plan.  It helps me remain focused, prevents me from getting too distracted, and helps to reduce stress and anxiety surrounding certain tasks.

While I find creating semi-detailed plans helpful, I also allow myself to change plans or go off course when the need or opportunity arises.  And that happened with the journey I started the end of last year.  I was unable to continue along the trajectory I had set for myself because I got a job.  Now this job is not in my field.  It's a temporary job that is allowing me to pay bills (and have health insurance!) while I continue my job search.  Starting a full-time job rather unexpectedly has meant that life has suddenly started to look quite different than I anticipated:  I have not able to stick with the work-out schedule I laid out in my last post and I certainly haven't been able to post to this blog like I had intended.  And to be honest, it has made finding the time and energy to job search much more difficult.

At some point, I did manage to start to get into a gym routine (twice a week).  And then the COVID-19 pandemic, and panic, hit.   Gyms, libraries, coffee shops. . . everything is now closed or has changed how business is done.  In the midst of all of this, I came down with a respiratory infection that has forced me to take some time off of work.  In many ways, this has been a blessing.  It's allowed me to hit the pause button and reset some aspects of my life.  I have a different plan now than I did just a few months ago.  It will likely change again in the next couple of weeks as I settle back into a work routine.  Regardless, I will aim to keep the guidelines I set back in December in mind as I continue on a journey this year to improve my overall health and to accomplish some of the other goals I've set for myself.

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