In addition to blogging more, another major change I am implementing at the start of my 30 day journey is to become more active and physically fit, specifically by adding in weightlifting into my workout routine. In fact I've never able been able to consistently do any sort of physical activity on my own for more than a month or so. Here's an overview of my workout history:
My first experience with weightlifting was in high school, when I took a semester-long class to fulfill a physical education requirement. I was one of only a handful of girls to take the class and many of the other students were taking the class as supplemental training to their after-school sports. As such, it was an intimidating class to be a part of, especially when I felt I was weaker than all of my peers.
Also in high school, my family took Tae Kwon Do classes for roughly two years. We didn't always consistently attend class, especially towards the end. Our dojang had a friendly and relaxed environment: while some people took their training very seriously, others approached it more casually. Someday, perhaps when I am more settled in the next chapter of my life, I would like to pick it up again and eventually get my black belt.
When I was in undergrad, I never really developed any sort of fitness routine. I did take a racquetball class for a half-semester, and on very infrequent occasions attempted running or weightlifting at the university gym with some friends. In my early college years, I attended a weekly swing dance, but that is about the most consistent thing I ever did.
During my grad school years, I again attempted running on several occasions. My most successful athletic adventures as an adult occurred during this time. There was one year where I embarked on a 30(ish) day journey of completing 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups almost every day. I was able to notice some definition in my shoulders during this time and went from only being able to do crunches to being able to do full range-of-motion sit-ups. I have also done a 30(ish) day daily yoga workout. I did notice positive changes to my flexibility and posture, and I actually like yoga. The problem has been with actually keeping the habit of doing it. In part, this has been complicated by a series of wrist injuries last winter that have impeded my ability to perform body weight exercises.
Reflecting on this brief fitness history, I realize a big challenge for me has been forming a regular habit. So, to keep myself accountable, here's my workout plan, at least for now:
- Sundays: rest day
- Mondays: full body weight training
- Tuesdays: yoga or running or HIIT-style workout
- Wednesdays: full body weight training
- Thursdays: yoga
- Fridays: full body weight training
- Saturdays: yoga or running or HIIT-style workout
My plan is to run or do a HIIT-style workout once a week, which will give me two days of yoga. A major reason I plan on three days of weightlifting is because I would like to lose body fat and research has suggested it can be very beneficial for this goal. The stress of grad school and other things happening in my personal life in the last year or year and a half has contributed to a less-than ideal diet and has meant I have gained weight. It might not be enough for most people in my life to have noticed, but for the first time in my adult life I have needed to buy larger clothes. Maybe that doesn't sound bad to some people, but I've been the same size my entire adult life, so it's been a little disconcerting for me.
I also know it can be helpful to include various types of exercises in your routine, hence why the added yoga. And in terms of the running/HIIT workouts, well, I'm not sold on the part yet. I know some cardio is beneficial, but I've had problems with running in the past. I do have family that wants me to run a half-marathon with them in March, so I figured I'd start slowly and see how it goes.
Today is day four of my journey, and thus far I've only been to the gym once (Friday). I had an unusually busy schedule on Saturday and wasn't able to workout, and yesterday was my rest day. I am getting ready to head to the gym shortly, so we'll see how it goes!
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