If God Himself Be for Me (LSB 724, st. 3)
Christ Jesus is my splendor,My sun, my light, alone;
Were He not my defender
Before God's judgement throne,
I never should find favor
And mercy in His sight,
But be destroyed forever
As darkness by the light.
Throughout Scripture, God is referred to as light and those who turn from Him are often described as being in darkness. Like the Israelites of the Old Testament, we are incapable of remaining faithful to God. Time and time again, we turn our backs and follow our own ways, regardless of how hard we might try to be faithful. We are in darkness and there we would remain, but Christ says "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. . .for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world" (John 12:46, 47b). Thanks be to God that Christ Jesus, our light, defends us!
Lutheran Service Book (CPH, 2006)
The Lutheran Study Bible (CPH, 2009)
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