Why are we afraid to speak in church? I've attended church services in many different congregations and I've noticed that we as congregants have a tendency to whisper along with the liturgy. It's not that we are unfamiliar with the words; I imagine most life-long Lutherans could recite parts of the liturgy in their sleep. Are we afraid of being too loud?
Being able to confess together the words of the liturgy is a beautiful thing. It is an aural reminder that we are one in Christ. We combine our voices not only with those present with us, but with peoples of various languages around the world and with those that have lived before us and those yet to come. The words of the liturgy are an unending confession of God's gift of salvation for us through Christ's sacrifice on the Calvary, an event in time to save mankind throughout all of history. What a joy it is to be able to confess this gift through the liturgy every Sunday!
Confessing together is not only a reminder of our unity in Christ, but it is also useful for teaching our children. Kids pay closer attention to what is happening in church than we think. What do they think when they hear those around them mumbling into their hymnals? Certainly not that the Church is confessing with a joyful voice what God has done for Her! And how will they know the faith confessed in the liturgy if it is not discernible and they can not yet read?
There is nothing more beautiful than hearing 50 voices loudly professing together the words of the Creed or responding with a resounding "amen" or "thanks be to God." It is no less a blessing than when several hundred voices do the same. So speak up people! We have been given a wonderful gift and we should not be afraid to boldly proclaim so by together confessing the liturgy.
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