Several years ago, I wrote this draft post, but never published it to my blog. I've done some editing and decided it's time it saw the light of day.
There seems to be a misconception younger generations prefer a more contemporary style, whether it be in music, furniture, religion, etc. As such, in our churches today, there is push for rock-band, pop-style music to dominate the worship service. This has become true even within historically traditional, conservative church bodies, including the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), but is this type of worship music really beneficial to our worship?
As a young confirmand, I went through Luther's Small Catechism and learned to ask the "Lutheran" question, "What does this mean?" Unfortunately, time seems to have dampened Lutherans' ability to really mean it when they ask this question. The result? We read through our Catechism and we do our memory work and we take for granted what we're being taught. We stop questioning and started accepting.
Once we start accepting what we are doing in worship without question, then our churches start thinking that contemporary is the way to go. The younger generations love rock concerts and pop hits. It's what they want, right? Let's add it to the service then! But there's a problem with this kind of thinking. The contemporary worship style tends to shift the focus. The band is up front. The focus is on them. The music is loud. The musical focus is on the beat and the rhythm and not the words. There is applause after each number; it is for the performers. Much of the music (although certainly not all) is upbeat, with quick tempos and major keys. The audience leaves feeling joyful, full of life, whatever the music conveys. The service is all about the music and the praise that is being given to God. Does God really need our praise? Is there really anything that we can do for Him? Isn't it He that has done everything for us? Where are the gifts He has given to us received?
Today's culture is all about me. It's about what I want, what I feel. I want this new awesome technology. You hurt me; my pain is your fault. Doing this is what makes me happy. Contemporary-styled worship follows suite. It's all about the awesome music, the good feelings, the hanging out with peers.
Liturgical worship is not focused on making you feel good. It's not about the music, the feelings, or the people you're with. It's about receiving the gifts God has given to you! The liturgy points to Christ. The hymns point to Christ. The readings point to Christ. The sermon points to Christ. The pastor even points to Christ! There is no clapping after a hymn. It's not about how great the arrangement is or how talented the organist or other musicians are. That's why musicians are usually not at the front of the church. It's not about them. They are trying to get the congregation to pay attention to the words being sung, the words that point to Christ's saving work, for you, and to the gifts of life and salvation, given to you! And the pastor doesn't wear a slick suit; he wears a white robe of servitude, signifying God has called him to administer the gifts to you!
The liturgical service is not straight-forward with songs and Scripture readings and a message. It has many different parts to it, many of which retain their Latin labels. Guess what that means! We get to ask the question, "What does this mean?" What's that mean in Latin? Why is it called that? Why is it in the service? What gifts are given through it?
Many today are drawn to contemporary worship, but not everyone under the age of 25 enjoys it. I am a young person and the contemporary service seems empty to me. When I attend a liturgical worship service, I do not understand every part of the service, but that doesn't matter. I know that everything in the service is based off of Scripture and delivers God's gifts to me. As a young Lutheran, I am intrigued by what I don't understand and I am driven to search for the answers to questions of "What does this mean?"
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