Monday, September 14, 2015

The Dangers of a Bland Diet

There once was a man who ate naught but white food.
'The color' he claimed 'destroys my latitude.
With flavor and spice,
I can't enjoy my rice!'

So, without any thought of the 'morrow,
he omitted the green, red, and yellow.
The man of white food consumed
and never once became attuned.

But then came the day,
when he stumbled and swayed,
and with a great cry of terror,
he came to understand his error.

So take my advice,
enjoy more than just rice,
for else you might find yourself
just as he did himself:
The poor man's fingers and toes
had done near faded away!

This is inspired by a recent conversation and the asparagus (pronounced asp-per-grass) I enjoyed for dinner.  Some in my family detest it.  They don't know what they are missing.

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