Friday, January 2, 2009

The End of the Semester

Great place to start, right, at the end of something. This ending though, it's really the beginning of something. It was the first semester of college, and by surviving this first semester, I've truly closed one chapter of my life in order to open another. Why would the first semester be the close of the chapter though? Don't they always say that graduation from high school is that conclusion? Let me explain.

Graduation for me felt surreal, almost like it wasn't going to be the end of life as I knew it. Sure there was a big party with family and friends. That didn't happen at the end of every school year. And there was senior project. A project that big and encompassing wasn't assigned every year either. Still, I felt like life would go on without change. The summer after graduation was like that too. Yes, I was packing up my stuff and making sure I had everything I needed for college in the fall, but the fact that I was leaving home hadn't sunk in yet. In fact, I don't think it ever really "sunk in." I think going to college was one of those life experiences I just took as it came without question, but that's beside the point. The first semester was all about transitioning, discovering who I am and who I will become, separated from most everything I've ever known. It's coming back home, at the end of semester, that has made me realize I'm not the same as I was when I left home three, four months ago. Yeah, I have the same personality I did then, but I'm still different, more . . . adult, I guess. That's why I feel that now is the beginning of the next chapter. Now is where I continue my growth, not under the shadow of my parents' roof, but on my own, away from home.


I suppose the title of this blog might turn some people away--"It's just another religious fanatic complaining about life." Yes, I'm Christian, and yes, I do complain about life, sometimes, but the two don't have anything to do with each other most of the time, the complaining and the religion that is. The point of this blog is to give my unique perspective on life and to be a place for me to let loose whatever happens to be on my mind. It will be about a variety of things: music, religion, politics, college, relationships, and life in general. As you will see, my next post is sort of a combination of college/life in general. I hope that others will be able to relate to how I view what's going on around me and perhaps learn something about me as a person that doesn't reveal itself in day-to-day exchanges (I'm kind of a shy person, and I realize that probably makes it hard for people to get to know me). Either way, I hope this blog proves to be an enlightening experience.